5 Surprising Breakfast Foods That Make Your Waistline Bigger

The breakfast decisions you make in the morning can significantly impact your overall success in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Surprisingly, certain breakfast foods may appear innocent but can pack a caloric punch and lead to unwanted weight gain.

To shed light on these unexpected culprits, we consulted with experts who have identified five surprising breakfast foods that have the potential to sabotage your waistline.

By being aware of these choices, you can omit them from your morning routine and stay on track with your health goals.

Coffee Drinks

Consciously selecting your ingredients can make an important difference; unneeded and unhealthy additives can quickly add up.

Surprisingly, whether you visit your favorite local coffee shop or prepare coffee at home, heavy cream and artificial sweeteners can transform your coffee into a calorie-laden beverage.

Lisa Young, Ph.D., RDN is a nutritionist in private practice and member of our Medical Expert Board; author of Finally Full, Finally Slim.

Drinking specialty coffees high in calories and added sweeteners has been linked to abdominal obesity as well as weight gain; in addition, drinks with excessive added sugar provide little nutritional benefit and increase body weight over time.

Coffee can add value to your morning routine if consumed responsibly. “Coffee is calorie-free, rich in antioxidants, and may even help prevent diabetes, depression, and support weight management,” explain The Nutrition Twins®, Tammy Lakatos Shames, RD, CDN, CFT, and Lyssie Lakatos, RD, CDN, CFT.

However, it’s best to avoid excessive cream. “One quarter cup of cream contains 200 calories; if you exceed this daily and drink two cups of coffee in the morning, that could lead to one pound of weight gain in six weeks,” according to The Nutrition Twins.

Instead, consider opting for unsweetened almond milk or skim milk as alternatives. By making this switch, you can save yourself from consuming hundreds of calories throughout the week.

If you crave a touch of sweetness, sprinkle some cinnamon into your coffee for a warm and naturally sweet flavor with each sip.


Oatmeal is an unexpected addition to this list, but it’s essential to understand why. While oatmeal is a fantastic breakfast choice, offering ample fiber and a wealth of nutrients (especially when opting for steel-cut oats), paying attention to portion sizes is crucial.

Many unknowingly consume an entire bowl of oatmeal without realizing how many servings it contains. To make matters worse, they often add fruits like raisins or bananas and some brown sugar.

Although this combination may provide a sense of fullness, exceeding 500 calories of pure carbohydrates digested within a few hours is easy.

It can leave you hungry and trigger an insulin surge, inhibiting fat burning and contributing to weight gain, particularly around the abdominal area.

Essentially, it’s essential to be mindful of your oatmeal portion sizes. The Nutrition Twins recommend consuming one or one-and-a-half servings of oatmeal, which equates to approximately ¾ cup.

To balance your blood sugar levels, prevent insulin spikes, and curb sugar cravings that often follow a high-carbohydrate meal, pair your oatmeal with half a banana and a source of protein like eggs or yogurt.

By incorporating these modifications, you can enjoy a nourishing and satisfying breakfast without compromising your overall health and weight management goals.

Scrambled Eggs

Let’s set the record straight: Eggs are an excellent breakfast choice for weight loss when enjoyed independently. “They rank high on the satiety scale, providing a good source of protein, low-calorie content, and essential nutrients like choline and vitamin D that are not commonly found in many other foods,” explains The Nutrition Twins.

However, the issue arises when eggs are scrambled in butter or oil. Many innocently pour oil or add butter to their pans, unknowingly adding excessive calories.

We frequently observe this with our clients, and once they become aware of it, they start shedding pounds.

But don’t worry; you don’t have to give up eggs altogether. A simple solution is to pour some oil into a spray bottle and use it to coat the pan instead lightly. This method ensures you’re not overdoing it with the oil while infusing the dish with flavor.

The spray bottle allows for controlled oil distribution, assuring you that you’re using an appropriate amount.


Indulging in breakfast pastries like scones, croissants, and muffins may accumulate unwanted belly fat. These delectable treats are typically highly processed and packed with refined carbohydrates, which have been linked to weight gain.

Furthermore, as Lisa Young points out, pastries are notorious for their high content of added sugars and lack of nutritional value, making them an incredibly unhealthy breakfast option.

Fortunately, certain cafes provide healthier alternatives, such as homemade products crafted from wholesome ingredients and sweetened with fruits like bananas instead of sugar. Opting for these choices can be a wiser and more nutritious way to start your day.


It’s time to reconsider your beloved breakfast cereal if you’re concerned about your waistline. Lisa Young warns that many grains are packed with added sugar and refined carbohydrates, which can contribute to weight gain, especially in the abdominal area.

The correlation between added sugar and the accumulation of visceral fat is well-established. Therefore, when you find yourself at the grocery store, make a point to choose cereals that are free from added sugar and artificial sweeteners.

Opting for these healthier alternatives can help support your weight management goals.

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